8 Benefits Of Graphic Organizers

There are many uses for graphic organizers across a variety of assignments in a variety of subjects for a variety of ages. Jumbled ideas for an essay can often be well-organized in a graphic organizer, as can talking points for a presentation. Graphic organizers can capture information for a research project or a creative activity. Note-taking for a chapter of fiction or non-fiction text can absolutely be accomplished in a graphic organizer. Read on to learn about the different types of graphic organizers. Continue scrolling to discover a variety of ways that these resources can be used based on the type of activity and/or personal preference! Types of graphic organizers Keep in mind that many of these graphic organizers can be used for an assortment of activities, while others have a more focused purpose! Mind map Flow chart Venn diagram List Outline Concept map Sequence chart Storyboard Freewriting KWL chart Timeline Cause and effect Vocabu...