Why And How You Deserve To Recharge This Summer
Educators, after 10 months of countless hours of prepping and teaching, the summer months should be all about YOU.
Use this well-deserved time to
recharge. Engage in activities that
bring you joy - reading, jogging, napping, you name it! Focusing on
yourself fuels you with a necessary recharge.
Bonus points if that
recharge sparks ideas to incorporate into your lesson plans for the next
school year or sparks ideas for your "Teacher-Gram" social media
account. 😊
There is a good chance that you will
spend some of that summer "me time" thinking about your previous and
future students and maybe even your class materials – that is okay. Heck,
those thoughts speak to your commitment to be an educator, specifically a
concerned and caring teacher.
But remember, summer break is a time
for you to be selfish - seriously, but in a positive way, of course!
As an educator who did not practice
self-care often enough during the rookie stage, please learn from me: Carve out
time to do whatever makes you happy.
Doing what makes you happy may mean participating
in activities that you enjoy, such as the ones mentioned above, or spending
time with your loved ones...or, dare it be stated again, spending time with
yourself. You dedicate a majority of
each year to your students' needs rather than your own. Each school year,
you work hard (harder than people in many other professions), so you are
entitled to time to refresh your mind, body, and soul.
Note: Reveling in "me
time" does not take away from your love of teaching. It simply means you need a recharge to enable
yourself to get back into teacher-mode for the next school year. That self-care will make you an even
better teacher – wait and see!
Giving yourself what you need during
the summer, whether that means "me time" or quality time with loved
ones, will grant you invaluable benefits on your mental, physical, and
emotional health.
Allowing yourself to recharge for those eight or so weeks during the summer will fuel you to embrace the next school year feeling strong and empowered to take on anything. Your mental-clarity will also enable you to think freely and creatively to generate new lesson ideas that you will feel confident and excited to share with your students.
Remember, you can only be the best
"you" for your students by taking care of yourself.
Of course, self-care is ideally practiced "365," but every educator
knows the reality of a "teaching lifestyle." Please use summer break to treat yo'self in
ways that feel like herculean tasks (though not impossible) during
the school year. 😊
I hope this blog post will be an encouraging
reminder that you deserve time to focus on yourself to ultimately present your
best self to the world every day.
What suggestions do you have for a summer recharge? Share below!
Check out my Teachers Pay Teachers store for a variety of
versatile products for all grades and subjects!
Leave a question, comment, or suggestion below, in
the Comments Section!
Follow me on Instagram: elathemissmway
Peace. Love.
Reading & Writing.
💗 Miss M
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