Educational Benefits of Genius Hour

Picture this: your child is excited to learn and is focused on completing a project.

Does this seem impossible?  Are you saying, “No way, not my child”?

Excitement-filled learning is possible.  Incorporating the activity called Genius Hour results in educational benefits, including having an excited learner.

Genius Hour is an educational concept that fosters creativity and independent thinking.  A child selects his or her own topic to research for a project.  He or she then spends one hour each week working on this activity to become a “genius” in that content-area.

Kids with office supplies brainstorm ideas

According to an educational website called, Genius Hour is a form of learning that allows students to be “guided by their own interests, background knowledge, and curiosity.”  It is considered “‘open-ended’ learning characterized by student self-direction, passion-based learning, inquiry, and autonomy.”

Working on a passion project is about breaking away from typical, curriculum-based content to give students permission to independently dig further into topics of interest.  In essence, this approach emphasizes student-centered learning.

Some benefits of Genius Hour are the development of research skills and presentation skills.  Another perk is that children will be intrinsically motivated to learn because they are working on projects that are self-selected.

Genius Hour is something that can be incorporated at home.  The summer months are a great time to have your child work on a passion project.  Your child will simultaneously be learning and having fun.

Girl building a robot

Have your child pick a topic that is intriguing to him or her.  The topic can range from “having diversity in sports” to “how humans can protect endangered animals” to anything in between.  The possibilities are endless.  Then, ask him or her to focus on a specific question they would like to answer about that topic.

The next step is where the excitement begins.  For one hour each week, or even one hour each day during the summer, have your child conduct research to answer that question.  This exploration can include using trustworthy websites, books from a local library, and contacting individuals who are knowledgeable about that topic.  Once your child has gathered information, it is time to create a display of those findings.  The creation can be in the form of a poster, a video, there is no limit.

Throughout every step of the way, be sure to show interest in your child’s project.  Ask questions about the progress and the fun facts he or she has discovered.  As explained by, the role of adults as children work on passion projects is that “you learn alongside them as you coach them, conference with them, and help them reflect as they go through the process.” 

After your child has finished their passion project, have him or her present it to you.  This is an excellent opportunity for your child to feel pride about something they created while also strengthening communication skills.  Then, ask your child questions about the project and have him or her reflect on what was learned during this experience.

Kids doing a science experiment

Genuis Hour will be an enriching activity for your child.  It fosters fun, creativity, and learning, all while your child develops transferable academic and life skills.

The excitement in your child’s face as they present their findings is a worthwhile reward.  Encourage your child to get started on a passion project today. 

What suggestions do you have to make genius hour appeal to your kids?  Share below!

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Follow me on Instagram: elathemissmway 

Peace.  Love.  Reading & Writing.


💗 Miss M




Teach Thought. “An Overview Of Genius Hour.” 2022. Retrieved 30 March 2022.  


We Are Teachers. “What Is Genius Hour And How Can I Try It In My Classroom?” 2018. Retrieved 30 March 2022.    


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