Must-Have Teacher Supplies – Planner

As teachers, we have a million and one things one our plate on any given day -or at least it feels that way.  Using a planner is the way that I stay organized and prioritize items on my to-do list.


Your planner can be a physical book (if you are "old school" like me) or a digital document (if you prefer to use tech).


You can use the planner to think ahead and even loosely map out lesson plans, grading, deadlines, the end of each marking period, teacher observations, school events, holidays, etc.

Using planners to keep you on track


I also like using a planner for my personal life to hold myself accountable for activities such as exercise and laundry, as well as to remind myself about appointments, bills, events, and plans with family and friends.  My planner also includes handwritten daily affirmations and positive messages to keep myself grounded and internally balanced 😊


One of my reasons for using physical planner books is that I am someone who works best with tangible resources and with the literal action of writing.  I also find that I am more likely to remember to do something if I write it and read it.  That helps me to keep the task present in my often easily-distracted mind.


With both my school planner and my personal planner, I like to check off items that I complete because that is a gratifying feeling.  The little things, especially in teaching, can feel like big accomplishments.  You deserve to bask in the moment of checking a seemingly trivial task off of your planner.


Final thoughts


Of course, when it comes to organizing and planning, find a system that works best for you.


Planners come in a variety of formats and can include numerous elements such as calendar pages, to-do list pages, day-of-the-week pages, blank pages, rearrangeable pages to customize the order of the planner, etc.  There are a variety of stores where planners can be purchased – anywhere from dollar stores to office supply stores to book stores to craft stores. 


What type of planner do you use?  How does it help you stay organized?  Feel free to share below!


Check out my Teachers Pay Teachers store for a variety of versatile products for all grades and subjects!  


Leave a question, comment, or suggestion below, in the Comments Section!   


Follow me on Instagram: elathemissmway


Peace.  Love.  Reading & Writing.


💗 Miss M


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